Announcement: Winter Break

I have found myself falling behind with some of the tasks that need to be done for the blog. As a result, I have made the decision to take a few weeks off to get caught up. We are not closing the doors or anything like that, so don’t worry!

For those of you following the word count updates, I will be continuing to post those in weekly updates to my mailing list. If you haven’t subscribed yet, you can do so on the sidebar to the right.

I’ll be returning to the regular post schedule on December 23rd. I am on track to finish my book, so there may be a special announcement before then.

Thanks for following my progress and I’ll see you in a few weeks!

This week’s book report:

Words Written (Week 6):  1,156 out of 2,500 (Thanksgiving prep messed me up…)
Words Left:  14,755
Last Words Written: of his chair.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mary P

    Enjoy your winter break!

    1. Amused Muse

      Thank you, I am trying but it’s more of a working vacation than anything, lol.

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